From choosing the right location to obtaining a visa, studying abroad presents numerous challenges. Once you’ve settled in, you’ll discover that West Australians are generally warm, friendly, and laid-back.

Staying in Western Australia provides many opportunities while maintaining a relaxed lifestyle – what more could you ask for?

What’s new?

Australia has opened doors to immigrants with its high wages and modern lifestyle. If you’re looking for a paradise to live in, you should definitely consider Australia! You will not only enjoy its beautiful landscapes, but you will also be able to find an excellent job with all the necessary facilities.

What can you expect when you relocate to Western Australia?

The quality of life 

Several factors make day-to-day standard of living more relaxed in Australia. These include the good working hours, higher wages, quality of food and Australians’ friendly nature. You can also tell how good the quality of life is by the life expectancy of inhabitants in Australia.


There are many reasons to feel safe living in Australia – from strong security measures to low crime rates. 

Australia’s security is among the strongest in the world. The nation has a very low crime rate, and there are no risk zones or states where crimes go uninvestigated by police. You can live in Australia with peace of mind, knowing that you and your belongings are safe.

Great job opportunities

Australia is currently experiencing growth in its economy and job market. It is the only developed country that has not suffered an economic recession in the last 26 years, and its unemployment rate is 5.7%, which is among the lowest in the world. Wages are also considerably high in Australia, and job offers are available in all work sectors. 

There is currently a great need for immigrants with work permits to be incorporated into the workforce in Australia as a consequence of industrial growth and sustainable economic development.

Great healthcare scheme

Among other benefits of Australia’s universal health care system, medicare provides excellent coverage and free medical care in public hospitals. The Australian government also subsidises the cost of some medicines through Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This means that health in Australia is public and affordable for all citizens. In addition, the country has an extensive and well-functioning health services infrastructure. 

What were the new rules imposed by the Australian government post covid?

Australia is now inviting fully vaccinated immigrants and travellers from all parts of the world under various visa categories, i.e., skilled visa, study visa, family sponsored visa, visitor visa, etc. If you are applying for an Australian visa this year, you must know the process requirements and rule changes.

Australia has a relatively straightforward point-based system of immigration to allocate permanent residency to skilled and talented people from overseas. The Australian government has changed the visa rules and process requirements in the last few months. These new changes are mainly implemented to make the country’s immigration system more efficient and fast-track the process for high-skilled workers who can contribute to Australia’s economy.

Australia Immigration and Visa Rule Changes 2022

Here is the list of the latest Australia visa rule changes applicable from July 1 2022: 

  • Australia’s new migration program year Starts on July 1: In 2022, Australia will accept 160,000 new immigrants under the Skills, Family and Special eligibility streams. This is an exciting opportunity for those looking to start a new life in Australia! If you or someone you know is interested in migrating to Australia, now is the time to start preparing your application.

For more information on the Australian migration program, please visit the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.

  • Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) subclass 482 visa holders: The recent changes to the Australian visa system now allow Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) subclass 482 visa holders to apply for PR visas via the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) subclass 186 visa. These same provisions apply to Temporary Work (Skilled) subclass 457 visa holders on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL). This is great news for skilled workers in Australia who are looking to transition from a temporary visa to permanent residency. If you are on a TSS or 457 visas and meet the relevant criteria, speak to your employer about applying for PR through the ENS186 TRT stream.
  • Subclass 457 visa holders’ age exemption: Under the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) subclass 186 visa, legacy subclass 457 visa holders may receive an age exemption.
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) subclass 482 (Short-term stream) visa holders: Former TSS visa holders with experience working in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for a third TSS visa under the short-term stream.
  • Visa Fee Revised from July 1: Australia has announced revised visa fees for most skilled, visit and sponsored visa categories, effective July 1, 2022.

How to migrate to Western Australia?

If you are planning for shift overseas, plan no further than Western Australia. You will find outstanding educational opportunities, high wages, some of the best wine and beaches in the world, and the chance to swim with magnificent whale sharks, discover fantastic rock formations and wander incredible hiking trails.

Are we looking for a hassle-free educational consultant? Look no further than Indeed Visa. Our consultants take pride in helping every client to the best of our ability and always work tirelessly to create a strong visa application. If you’re looking to migrate to Australia, you won’t find a better option than consulting with one of our experienced migration agents. We will guide you through every step of the process and do everything we can to ensure that your application is successful.

As a reliable and leading educational consultant in Australia, we can help you with the right advice and guidance. We can offer tips about institutes, streams, languages, and semesters and explain the eligibility criteria and patterns. We can also help you with the speedy paperwork and other document-related work. If you are still in doubt, mail us at, or you can call us at +61 430 575 574. Our team will gladly address all of your concerns. We are here to help you make an informed decision.

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