New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (Subclass 461) (Temporary) Visa

New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (Subclass 461) (Temporary) Visa

New Zealand Citizen Family relationship visa (Subclass 461) may be available if you are a member of a family unit of New Zealand Citizen (who are not eligible New Zealand Citizens) or you live in Australia on a temporary visa (subclass 444). If you are interested in the 461 Visa for New Zealand, you can explore this option to join your family member who is a New Zealand Citizen.

Eligible New Zealand Citizens are those who were living in Australia on 26 February 2001 or lived in Australia for at least one year in the two years before 26 February 2001. New Zealand Citizens and Australian Permanent Residents have the same rights. If your partner is an Eligible New Zealand Citizen, you should consider partner visa options instead of SC 461. The 461 visa is specifically designed for family members of New Zealand Citizens who are not eligible New Zealand Citizens themselves.

With the 461 visa, you can join your New Zealand Citizen family member in Australia and live with them for up to five years. This visa allows you to work and study in Australia as well. It provides you with certain rights and benefits while you are in Australia, although it’s important to note that it is a temporary visa and does not lead to Australian permanent residency.

With updated rules as of 1st July 2023, New Zealand Citizens are eligible to apply for Australian Citizenship if they meet certain criteria and once they become Australian Citizen, they can apply for a Partner visa for their partner. Until they become an Australian Citizen, they can only apply for SC 461. 

FAQs –

I am in Australia on Subclass 461, can I apply for my children Subclass 461 visa who are offshore?

Yes, you can apply for your children for subclass 461 irrespective whether they are offshore or onshore. Onshore application will allow them bridging visa whereas offshore application will be processed without bridging visa.

Does Subclass 461 have pathway to Permanent residency of Australia?

Though Subclass 461 itself doesn’t have pathway to Permanent visa, there are other possible pathways such as Skilled Independent visa (New Zealand stream). Please contact Indeevisa if you want to assess your eligibility.