Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485)

Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485)

The Temporary Graduate Visa Australia, also known as the Temporary Graduate Visa 485, is a work visa specifically designed for international students who have completed at least two years of study in Australia. This visa allows them to extend their stay in the country if they meet certain criteria. The Temporary Graduate Visa provides an excellent opportunity for international students to explore further pathways after completing their education or gain valuable international work experience.

Temporary graduate visa is offered in 3 streams:

Graduate work stream:

This stream is designed for international students who have completed at least 2 years study in Australia and occupation is listed in MLTSSL (Medium- and Long-term Strategic Skill List). This stream is commonly used by applicants who complete trade courses such as diplomas from private colleges or TAFE. Applicants who are eligible are granted an 18 months visa under this stream. 

Post-Study stream:

This stream is designed for international students who have completed studies in Australia which resulted in completion of Bachelor or higher degree from an Australian CRICOS approved institution. Applicants who are eligible can be granted a visa up to 4 years under this stream. 

Second Post-Study Stream:

This stream is an extension for the post-study stream and designed to promote applicants to stay in regional areas after completion of their studies from designated regional areas. This stream allows eligible applicants to apply for an extension of 1 or 2 years after continuing to live in a designated regional area for 2 years after completion of studies from designated regional area. Please note 2 years extension is only allowed in cases when applicants have studied and lived Category 3 – Regional centre or other regional area: (All other locations), otherwise other applicants are only allowed to apply for a one year extension. 

Common Criteria for all streams:

  • Must be under 50 years of age.
  • Must have met Australian Study requirements.
  • Must meet competent English requirements. 
  • Must be holder of an eligible visa.
  • Must not have previously held subclass 485 visa in the graduate work stream, a second subclass 485 visa or a subclass 476 visa as a primary visa holder.
  • Must have adequate insurance for the duration of the visa.
  • Must meet Australian health and character requirements. 

Criteria Specific to Graduate work stream:

  • Must have met Australia Study requirements.
  • Must have completed studies closely related to nominated occupation.
  • The nominated occupation is listed in MLTSSL (Medium- and Long-term Strategic Skill List)
  • Must have at least provisional skill assessment for nominated occupation. 

Criteria Specific to Post-Study Work stream:

  • Must have met Australia Study requirements.
  • Must have completed studies closely related to nominated occupation.
  • Must have completed a degree, master’s or doctoral degree in an Australian university

The Temporary Graduate Visa Australia provides international students with an excellent opportunity to further their career prospects and gain valuable work experience in Australia. By meeting the specific requirements of each stream, eligible applicants can extend their stay and contribute to the Australian workforce and community.

FAQs –

I have previously held a Subclass 485 visa as a primary applicant. Can I re-apply as a primary applicant for subclass 485?

No, you can only apply and be granted Subclass 485 once as a primary applicant.

My completion letter is delayed, and I may not be able to apply for subclass 485 before my student visa expires. Can Indeedvisa help me?

We have experience in managing such difficult cases. Through a consultation, we can suggest several legal ways to solve this issue. Contact us for more information.

I gave an English exam recently. Can I reuse it for a Subclass 485 visa?

Yes, as long as the required score was achieved within the last 3 years.