Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)

Skilled Nominated Visa Australia (Subclass 190)

The Australian visa subclass 190, also known as the Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa, is applicable for skilled migrant workers who have passed the point test and who are also nominated by the Australian State or Territory government. It allows applicants to live and work in Australia as a permanent resident.


  • Must receive an invitation letter to apply for the visa.
  • The profession must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations for the Australian visa subclass 190.
  • Must have a relevant skills assessment for the nominated occupation.
  • Must be under 45 years old.
  • Must meet the score specified in the invitation letter based on the factors in the points test.
  • Must have a competent level in English.
  • Must be nominated by the Australian State or Territory government for the Subclass 190 visa.
  • Must meet health and character requirements.

The Australian visa subclass 190, also referred to as the Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa, is a popular pathway for skilled migrant workers to obtain permanent residency in Australia. To be eligible for this visa, applicants need to receive an invitation letter, have their profession listed on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations, and possess a relevant skills assessment for their nominated occupation. Additionally, they must be under 45 years old and meet the score specified in the invitation letter, which is based on the factors in the points test. Having a competent level in English is also a requirement. Finally, applicants must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government and meet the health and character requirements.

FAQs –

Do I need sponsorship to apply for Subclass 190?

Yes, the applicant needs to have approved nomination from the state or territory before being able to apply for Subclass 190.

Should I apply for Subclass 190 from overseas or from Australia?

You can apply from either Australia or overseas, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria and obtain a nomination from a relevant state or territory.

What are the eligibility requirements for subclass 190?

It depends on the state and mostly varies from occupation to occupation. Contact Indeedvisa for  assessment of your profile against all Australian state and territory criteria so we can provide you with possible and available options.

Do I need to meet state eligibility requirements in addition to the department of Home Affairs requirements for Subclass 190?

Yes, you need to meet eligibility requirements of the relevant state and need to obtain nomination before you can apply for subclass 190 visa.

How can Indeedvisa help me with a Subclass 190 application?

Indeedvisa team can assess your profile against all state and Territory criteria and confirm which states you are eligible to. We will also advise you about  any options that may increase your points of a Subclass 190 visa and manage the whole process of visa application.